International Women's Day

I feel inspired that there are so many strong and capable women in my life. These women have been cheerleaders in my goal of supporting others going through a cancer diagnosis while all leading busy lives.

On this International Women’s Day, I want to highlight two women who I am honoured to call friends and who both, while raising their families, not only run their own businesses, also directly support cancer awareness and raising funds for cancer associations.

Meet Sarah, my best friend and FEARLESS. collaborator. In fact, the collaboration was her idea and I love that she asked me to join her. Not only are we making a difference, but we have a great time working on it together!

Sarah is the owner of Vachement Suisse, which sells beautiful products that are all Swiss-made or designed. She has a cute physical store in the stunning alpine resort of Champex-Lac in Valais, as well as an online store. I am immensely proud of what she has achieved, running a beautiful and successful business while raising money for cancer awareness and raising a large family! Check out her website and show support for a small woman-owned business.

Meet Liz, somebody who I met through a fantastic network of local entrepreneurs and who has become a good friend.

Liz is the owner of Swiss Blue, an online business where she handcrafts jewellery. She is currently expanding her skill set with a silver diploma and the results are stunning! She is incredibly talented and  is also generous in her support of raising awareness and funds for cancer research and associations. Not only is she a FEARLESS. supporter, she has created a bracelet specifically to support the cause. Check out her and show support for this small woman-owned business.

I will also be leaving the sale prices on my specialist lingerie, swimwear and head scarves until the end of the month, making these required items more accessible for all women. I hope it can provide some comfort to those in need.

Celebrate women in your life!

Zoe Zenklusen Payne