Celebrating female collaborators - Journee-Digital

Ana Maria and Diana are the founders of Journee – Digital at Ease, a digital marketing and tech boutique consultancy for small and medium businesses. Their ultimate goal is to build confidence in digital tools and practices and to help businesses both start and evolve with the digital tools available to them.

Ana Maria and Diana approached us after seeing one of our posts on a local women’s entrepreneurs Facebook group during Breast Cancer Awareness month. Members were encouraged to share their breast cancer stories and/or to connect with people whose stories interested them, encouraging meaningful networking. Ana Maria and Diana contacted us to let us know they find our mission meaningful and in the spirit of the challenge, offered to help us with our digital marketing.

We really appreciate the time these busy women have dedicated to us and the valuable information they are sharing and just love this fantastic example of women supporting and empowering other women!

Zoe Zenklusen Payne