Cancer has taken a lot from me, don’t take my Christmas joy as well!!!

I am a huge believer in raising funds and awareness to highlight any kind of cause that needs it. I am equally aware that sometimes it must feel like constantly being asked to part with your hard earned cash. It’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

It strikes such a chord with me because I live with metastatic breast cancer. This is currently the only type of incurable breast cancer – the only kind that kills – yet only 2-5% of funds raised for breast cancer research is spent on the study of metastasis. Currently, there is no treatment that will work forever. When a treatment stops working or being as effective at controlling the disease, we have no choice but to move on to the next option. It doesn’t bear thinking about what happens next when there is no longer another option.

My cancer is about as hormone sensitive as it can get but hormone treatment has stopped working for me. I am about to embark on weekly IV chemo sessions for the next 3-6 months. I should keep my hair which is a relief but I can’t plan much since I need to be hooked up to a drip once a week. I’m lucky that there is this option in front of me and that there are more chemotherapy options if needed. But I want better than that and I believe that’s fair enough.

So here I am asking you to help me raise more money to find more options to prolong life and ultimately find that elusive cure. I have seen a lot of people suggesting that this year, rather than sending Christmas cards, to send virtual ones and instead donate the money that would have been spent on cards. I have to confess to hating this! Cancer took my fertility and my chance to be a mother, my left breast, my hair on my wedding day and leaves me living in fear every 3 months when I have a PET scan. I LOVE Christmas and I get so much joy receiving cards and having them on my shelf. I want to enjoy the festive spirit the cards bring to me, not be reminded of my cancer again due to the lack of them!

Over the coming days I will be posting the 12 Days of Christmas, showcasing our FEARLESS. collection. Consider a mindful Christmas gift for your loved ones this year as a percentage of all sales are donated to cancer research.

Zoe Zenklusen Payne